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Internal Electric Field Modulation in Molecular Electronic Devices by Atmosphere and Mobile Ions


Prakash Chandra Mondal, Ushula M. Tefashe, Richard L. McCreery


Journal of the American Chemical Society










The internal potential profile and electric field are major factors
controlling the electronic behavior of molecular electronic junctions consisting of
∼1−10 nm thick layers of molecules oriented in parallel between conducting
contacts. The potential profile is assumed linear in the simplest cases, but can be
affected by internal dipoles, charge polarization, and electronic coupling between
the contacts and the molecular layer. Electrochemical processes in solutions or the
solid state are entirely dependent on modification of the electric field by
electrolyte ions, which screen the electrodes and form the ionic double layers that
are fundamental to electrode kinetics and widespread applications. The current
report investigates the effects of mobile ions on nominally solid-state molecular
junctions containing aromatic molecules covalently bonded between flat,
conducting carbon surfaces, focusing on changes in device conductance when
ions are introduced into an otherwise conventional junction design. Small changes
in conductance were observed when a polar molecule, acetonitrile, was present in the junction, and a large decrease of conductance was observed when both acetonitrile (ACN) and lithium ions (Li+) were present. Transient experiments revealed that conductance changes occur on a microsecond−millisecond time scale, and are accompanied by significant alteration of device impedance and temperature dependence. A single molecular junction containing lithium benzoate could be reversibly transformed from symmetric current−voltage behavior to a rectifier by repetitive bias scans. The results are consistent with field- induced reorientation of acetonitrile molecules and Li+ ion motion, which screen the electrodes and modify the internal potential profile and provide a potentially useful means to dynamically alter junction electronic behavior.

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